Month: May 2021

  • Cash Economy

    Cash Economy In this week’s video Nathan talks about how the cash economy can ultimately be killing your business. So first up, what is cash economy? 

  • 4 Things you must do to Grow and Stay Alive in Business

    4 Things you must do to Grow and Stay Alive in Business Hey guys, Nathan here. In this week’s video I want to talk to you about the 4 things that can help you Grow and Stay Alive in your Business. If you’re starting out as a new business owner, or have been in business…

  • Four things you must do to GROW and STAY ALIVE in Business

    Four things you must do to GROW and STAY ALIVE in Business In this week’s video Nathan talks about the four things that can help you grow and stay alive in your business. So, if you’re starting out as a new business owner, or have been in business for quite some time but are struggling…

  • What an accountant should do for you

    What your accountant should do for you This week’s video is all about what your accountant should be doing to help the success of your small business. Nathan, Director and Principal Accountant at NGR Accounting, sheds light on the realities of what a good accountant can help you achieve, whether that is giving you advice regarding…

  • Why Admin is so Important

    Why Admin is so Important This week Nathan sat down with Greg Smith from ‘Admin’s The Answer’ to discuss this week’s topic regarding the importance of admin in your small business. Specifically, in relation to the trade industry, speaking from personal experience Greg informs us “how hard it is to run a tradies business by…

  • Setting up the right tax structure for your business

    Setting up the right tax structure for your business: Whether you have been in business for years or you are just starting out, choosing the right structure for your business is important. This week’s topic focus on each tax structure you need to consider when starting up a business, or whether changing tax structures (with…