Category: Tax Tips

  • Claiming Work from Home Expenses on Your 2024/2025 Income Tax Return

    Claiming Work from Home Expenses on Your 2024/2025 Income Tax Return

    Hey guys, Nathan here, and as we start move into the new Financial Year, I thought it best to make sure our client start on the best footing. Your Work from Home Diary! As we all know, the way we work has drastically changed over the past couple of years. The move to adopt remote…

  • Superannuation Guarantee Payments – What you need to know!

    Superannuation Guarantee Payments – What you need to know!

    Hey everyone, Kathryn here. I wanted to highlight the importance of making your Superannuation Guarantee payments on time, and even more importantly, in advance of their due date. The Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) can be a costly penalty imposed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on employers who fail to meet their superannuation obligations. That’s…