Profit First: Create a Profit-Making Machine

Start Up Business Program

Are you a slave for your business, better yet are you also earning less than your employees? Then this week’s topics is perfect for you. In this week’s video, Nathan discusses everything about NGR’s ‘Profit first: create a profit-making machine’ Package, where we can turn that around and create a strategy towards making profit, and peace of mind! This article informs you on everything you need to know about our package and why it is perfect for you.

Overview of Program

This program is designed to turn around the stress of never having enough cash to pay suppliers, superannuation and most importantly you.

As an Accountant we often see clients who have cashflow nightmares, you wonder why people do it year after year. In this program we first analyse your business and create the strategy to manage your cashflow so that you can start being profitable.

Stage 1: Analyse and Create a new Cashflow Plan:

This part of our program includes analysing your business structure and how you go about your business. When we recognised the current issues, we then implement a new cashflow plan. This section includes…

  • Review of Accounting system – is there a better one you could be using, are you using your accounting system properly?
  • Review of current situation, we help evaluate factors such as, what do your current sales look like?, payroll for employees, what are your operation expenses?, owner wages and what does your owner dividend look like?
  • Calculation of what revenue, operation expenses and owners’ wages have been paid.
  • Work out and set KPI’s for you and your employees to reach. For example, how many leads you need to convert to achieve the revenue target. It is important that KPI’s are set, as it gives you and employees a goal to reach each day at work.
  • Create a profit first system that suits your business. It is important that your profit system suits your business capabilities otherwise the journey to business fulfilment is going to be hard.

Stage 2: Ongoing support and financial coaching: Section 2: Making crucial Business setup decisions:

After a new profit first cashflow plan has been implement for your business, NGR are still here and offer ongoing support and financial coaching to ensure you do not fall back into old habits or turn into a slave again.

  • After implements the profit first cashflow plan, for the first 6-12 months, NGR accountants will have monthly meetings to discuss the profit first system and any roadblocks or problems that have arisen in the system.
  • Once the plan has been successfully implementing and is running smoothly NGR accountants will have Quarterly meetings to review and discuss financial success of the business and any concerns or issues you are having as the business owner.
  • We continue to help behind the scenes, we help review your accounting ratios and benchmarks.
  • It is also important to identify external coaches and consultants to assist and help in other areas of business besides the financial aspects an account offers. Examples include…
  • Marketing (broadly)
  • Sales coaching (assist conversation of leads)
  • Money Mindset coaching
  • HR assistance
  • Legal guidance (example: for shareholders agreements, customer engagements/contracts)
  • Reducing expenses with the help of various professionals (e.g., insurance broker).


Here at NGR your business success is something we aspire to help you reach, so if you are a slave for your business and earning less than your employees, then this NGR Profit Making Machine program is for you. Please reach out if you have any further questions.


