Goal Setting: Time to make your 2021 goals achievable.

Goal Setting: Time to make your 2021 goals achievable.

As we look back and reflect on the crazy and chaos that was 2020, this new year is the perfect opportunity to take a whole new perspective and set achievable goals for what you or your business plan to accomplish in 2021. This article continues to explore the importance of goal setting for both individual and business growth.

Reflecting and goal setting:

To effectively set achievable goals this year it is imperative that we look back on previous goals, progress, or objectives to help ignite motivation.

As we continue to grow whether its individually or as a business, we need to be focusing energy and determination where it can be best utilised or on areas that you believe need the most work. Nonetheless, the only way we can effectively do so, and move forward with our 2021 goals is if we take the time to reflect and evaluate the progress that has already been made.

Take the time and think about….

  • What did you achieve in 2020?
  • What did you do well?
  • What could you have done better?

Struggling to achieve to your goals?

Writing down your goals on paper is the easy part, putting these goals into action whilst holding yourself accountable is where many people struggle when sticking to and achieving their goals.

A major factor that affects our capacity to successfully achieve our goals and reach targets, is our ability or in this case inability to compose a realistic action plan. At times when goals are first established, we tend to start the process enthusiastic and motivated.

However, one common mistake that is made when beginning our goals is starting the process too enthusiastic and trying to take lots of actions at once. Again, it is important that we are passionate and excited to smash goals throughout 2021 but without taking the time to break down the goal and propose a workable and smart action plan it becomes extremely hard to keep ourselves motivated.

I myself, have also fallen short to this mistake many times in the past, where I did not take the time to prioritise certain task and break my goal down into sensible achievable timelines resulting in the loss of motivation and commitment.

Personal goal story:

I want to personally share a story where I achieved a personal goal outside of NGR. A goal that I had set for myself and completed was running half a marathon (21km) in under 90mins. Through planning my weeks, working with others and sticking to my weekly targets I was able to achieve my goal as I ran half a marathon in 86 minutes.

S.M.A.R.T Goals:

A SMART goal is an acronym used to help guide individuals and businesses when setting achievable goals. When writing SMART goals be prepared to ask yourself or your employees numerous questions. These responses and answers will help specify your strategy ensuring your goals are realistic and achievable.

S – Specific

When setting a goal its important to be specific about what you want or plan to achieve. This aspect of your goal contains the popular ‘W’ questions you must ask yourself.

Who – consider who needs to be involved to help reach the goal and who are you completing the goal for? For you or your business.

What – what are specifically are you tying to achieve.

When – when do you want to achieve your goal by – is there a specific time frame?

Where – where is this goal taking place, where are you going to achieve/accomplish it?

Why – why are you undertaking this goal? why do you think achieving this goal will be beneficial for you or your business?

M – Measurable

How are you planning on tracking the progress of your goal? Ensuring you use specific metrics that will help you measure your goal it makes the goal more tangible as it provides a way to measure you or your goals progression.

A – Achievable

This focuses on how realistic and important your goal is to you. Your goal is meant to inspire motivation for change or growth however, its important that the goal remains realistic so that it can also remain achievable and attainable once reached.

R – Relevant

Your goal needs to make sense within your broader personal or business goals. It needs to resonate with what you are eager to achieve. If your goal has no alignment personally or within your business motivation for achieving your goal can be easily lost.

T – Time

Anyone can set a goal, but without realistic time management your goal can become never ending or non-existent. Setting a due or target date can help create motivation to complete your goal in a timely manner.

Time to set your 2021 SMART goals:

Now is the time to start fresh and set goals for yourself or your business in 2021. If you have any further questions or need some assistance when setting goals, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Updated 13th December, 2022




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