When should I talk to my accountant? When you’re Buying Big

Hey guys, Nathan here… I thought I would take some time to discuss Capital Expenditure.

As a business owner, I know that making decisions on capital expenses can be challenging.

It is essential to consider these expenses carefully as they can have a significant impact on your business’s financial health. This is why it’s important to speak to an accountant before making any Capex purchases.

In this blog, we’ll go over ten reasons why you should speak to an accountant before making any Capex purchases for your business.

Tax Implications

Making Capex purchases can affect your business’s tax obligations. We can advise you on the tax implications of Capex purchases, including depreciation and how to claim them on your taxes.

Cash Flow Management

We can help you manage your cash flow (check out our blog on Cash Flow Forecasting) and determine the best way to finance Capex purchases. We can advise you on different financing options and help you decide which one is the best for your business.

Financial Analysis

Before making any Capex purchases, it’s important to conduct a financial analysis to determine the impact on your business’s finances. We can provide you with that financial analysis and projections to help you make informed decisions.


We can help you create a Capex budget and determine the appropriate amount to allocate to these purchases.

Opportunity Cost

Capex purchases involve opportunity costs, which are the benefits you give up by choosing one option over another. We can help you evaluate the opportunity cost of Capex purchases and determine if they are worth the investment.

Return on Investment (ROI)

An accountant can help you calculate the ROI of Capex purchases, which is the measure of the return on your investment. This can help you determine if the investment is worth it.

Business Valuation

Capex purchases can affect your business’s valuation. We can advise you on how Capex purchases can impact your business’s value and help you make informed decisions.


Capex purchases can be subject to different compliance requirements. We can advise you on compliance requirements and ensure that you are meeting all necessary regulations.

Risk Assessment

Capex purchases can involve risks, such as the risk of equipment failure or technological obsolescence. We can help you assess these risks and determine the best way to mitigate them.

Strategic Planning

Capex purchases can have a significant impact on your business’s strategic planning. We can help you align your Capex purchases with your business’s long-term goals and objectives. (If you need help working out your strategic plans, please check out our Blogs on Planning!)

Taking time to have a genuine conversation with myself and my team before making Capex purchases can help you make the informed decisions that will benefit your business in the long run.

We can provide you with valuable advice and guidance on:

  • Tax implications,
  • Cash flow management,
  • Financial analysis,
  • Budgeting,
  • Opportunity cost,
  • Roi,
  • Business valuation,
  • Compliance,
  • Risk assessment, and
  • Strategic planning.

I absolutely recommend that before you make any Capex purchases, please take some time to reach out and talk to myself and the team at NGR Accounting.

It could be the best investment you can make for your business’s financial health and success. Further reading, I would also check out our last blog: What is PPSR? And Why is it Good for My Business

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact NGR Accounting at 02 9011 6669 or via email at  info@ngraccounting.com.au


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Updated: 17th May 2023




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